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"When is someone allowed to call themselves a photographer?"



A question I've been trying to answer since I began exploring the world of photography. 


Do I need some fancy camera?


How long does it take to become a photographer?


Do I have to go to college for this?


In 2017, these were the questions that occupied my thoughts. Now here we are, years later and I've come to realize that I don't ask those questions anymore. I just, go. 



I don't overthink the process. I learn something new every time I go to get the "perfect" shot. At the age off 22, I've decided to share what I've been capturing. After some thought, I figured it was best to have this under my business AJX The Brand. From clothing, to home goods, to art, and now photography.


 The Atelier will let you into my world in front of the lens (of the latest iPhone as of 2023). 


Some peculiar images.

Some standard images.

And everything in between.



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